Gamification and Apps for inclusion:
a preliminary approach
About this outcome
Using the power of technology, OER Town project aims to help migrants and refugees discover the new environment in order to achieve a faster and smoother integration to the local community. Through the development of a digital tool, in this case an app for smartphones, OER Town intends to sustain migrants in discovering the hosting place they start living in after fleeing from their home country.
This report describes the first phase of the project. The specific goal of this phase is to create a generic framework (basic concept) on transforming a community into an open learning resource using gamification approach. This report aims to highlight the state of the art, developments and practice in use of ICT and
OERs for integration of migrants and refugees in their host communities. Moreover this output also aims to serve as a basis for exchanges and discussions that lead to the development of the rest of the outputs of this project: the mobile APP and the database of learning challenges with their complementary, and also necessary, Toolkit for trainers/facilitators, the and Roll Out Handbook for other communities wanting to replicate the project (IO5).
This report combines three investigation methods: a global literature review, a desk research of the best practices in each partner country, and a survey (developed in all the partner countries) in order to identify all the main components and resources needed (human and technology) for create a learning game within a community aiming to make this community an open educational resource for migrants and refugees but also for local population.
Therefore in this report the basic theoretical approach to the field will be described, specific aims and outcomes of our method and the open education approach will be defined and different strategies will be explored.